The Bulletin of the National Gallery Prague is a European museum periodical issued as a standard portfolio service provided to experts and the general public by modern collection institutions financed from public budgets. The Bulletin of the NGP is an expert periodical focusing on research result publication, covering all NGP collection and archive fund categories. The results are presented in a wide intra- as well as interdisciplinary context; primarily, they are published in a world language (mostly English), and the full text version is also available in Czech.
Aside from longer synthetic and monograph studies and brief reports on recent discoveries relating to single artworks, the Bulletin of the NGP also publishes the results of restoration work and technological analyses, archival materials significant for art history, collection, patronage, and other related topics; furthermore, professional reviews of both Czech and foreign important recent intradisciplinary publications. The Bulletin of the NGP has been issued annually since 1991. Until 2013, it was mostly published as a double issue; since 2014, it has been published as a single yearly issue.
The Bulletin of the NGP is a peer-reviewed journal, with each article indexed by the BHA bibliography. Published by the National Gallery Prague.
Instruction for Authors
We kindly ask you to submit papers in the .doc, .docx or .rtf formats to Martin Musílek, Chief Editor (, or to Marie Bergmannová, Head of the Publishing Department (
We kindly ask you to submit papers in the .doc, .docx or .rtf formats to Martin Musílek, Chief Editor (, or to Marie Bergmannová, Head of the Publishing Department (
Please mail graphic attachments on CD or DVD to:
Ediční oddělení
Národní galerie Praha
Staroměstské nám. 12
110 15 Praha 1
Or via e-mail to Marie Bergmanová, Head of the Publishing Department (
You can download the formal requirements (the Norm) here.
Ediční oddělení
Národní galerie Praha
Staroměstské nám. 12
110 15 Praha 1
Or via e-mail to Marie Bergmanová, Head of the Publishing Department (
You can download the formal requirements (the Norm) here.
All texts published in the Bulletin of the NGP, professional reviews excluded, go through an anonymous peer review process – the reviewer does not know the name of the author and vice versa. Both reviewers are experts in the given field and have no labour ties to the author’s place of operation as of the date of submission. They give their opinions on the text’s formal inclusion into the structure of an issue and its professional quality. The text is not published until after the comments are incorporated. Filled-out review forms are archived.
All texts published in the Bulletin of the NGP, professional reviews excluded, go through an anonymous peer review process – the reviewer does not know the name of the author and vice versa. Both reviewers are experts in the given field and have no labour ties to the author’s place of operation as of the date of submission. They give their opinions on the text’s formal inclusion into the structure of an issue and its professional quality. The text is not published until after the comments are incorporated. Filled-out review forms are archived.